Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Frozen Lunches I Actually Like

I don't like having to rely on processed foods.  However, I found it helps me stay on track with my diet if I buy some prepared meals for my lunches while at work.  They are fast, easy, portioned... and usually gross.  However, I have found some that I actually like.

Weight Watchers Smart Ones - Salisbury Steak with Asparagus
Not bad - like a hamburger patty.  200 calories, but drink extra water to help with the added sodium!

Lean Pockets - Whole Grain Ham and Cheddar
Tastes pretty good - no weird processed cheese taste. 
270 calories great for breakfast with coffee and pretty filling.

Healthy Choice - Spicy Shrimp Diavolo
250 calories of shrimp, pasta, steamed veggies, and delicious berry dessert