Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lean Cuisine Fish Lunch Competition

And the contenders are:

Tortilla Crusted fish turns out crispy and filling, but the peppers in the rice taste funny.  I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

Lemon Pepper fish is also good, but its just the peppers in the rice that gives it a weird taste - 3 out of 5 stars.

Parmesan Crusted Fish is the winner!  The zuchini and yellow carrot pasta is the perfect side dish for the parmesan crispy fish.  As an added bonus, there's also a few bites of melted cheese on top - yum!  5 out of 5 stars!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Special K Bars 90 Calories

I love Special K bars - they are only 90 calories and I buy a box just about every week.  They are great for a quick breakfast with coffee or as a between meal snack.  My favorites are peach, strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla, so I usually buy a variety pack (chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry) and a box of peach.  If you are between meals and want a very filling snack, try one of these bars and a diet soda.

Frozen Lunches I Actually Like

I don't like having to rely on processed foods.  However, I found it helps me stay on track with my diet if I buy some prepared meals for my lunches while at work.  They are fast, easy, portioned... and usually gross.  However, I have found some that I actually like.

Weight Watchers Smart Ones - Salisbury Steak with Asparagus
Not bad - like a hamburger patty.  200 calories, but drink extra water to help with the added sodium!

Lean Pockets - Whole Grain Ham and Cheddar
Tastes pretty good - no weird processed cheese taste. 
270 calories great for breakfast with coffee and pretty filling.

Healthy Choice - Spicy Shrimp Diavolo
250 calories of shrimp, pasta, steamed veggies, and delicious berry dessert

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ways to Burn 500 Calories

Luckily you can mix and match so its not so monotonous!

1 hour on stationary bike, medium effort
2 hours canoeing, light effort
1 hour canoeing, medium effort
2 hours cleaning house
1 hour 15 min hiking cross country
1 hour jogging/running 5 mph
1 hour 15 min mowing lawn
1 hour 30 minutes jogging on mini trampoline
45 min jumping jacks
45 min jumping rope
45 min sit ups
1 hour 45 min trampoline
1 hour roller skating
1 hour stair machine
1 hour 45 min yoga
1 hour 15 min swimming, light effort
3 hours shopping
2 hours walking 3 mph
1 hour 45 min walking 4 mph
2 hours light to moderate weight lifting

How Much Should You Eat?

First, you need to know how many calories you burn in a typical day.  If you want to maintain your weight, eat the same amount of calories that you burn in a day.  If you want to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you eat.  The only healthy way to do this is through diet (eating less) and exercise (burning more).

To lose one pound, you must burn 3,500 calories.  Most experts agree that healthy weight loss is at a rate of 2 lbs per week.  To do this, you need to burn 7,000 extra calories per week or 1,000 calories per day.  With a combination of decreasing your calorie intake by 500 calories and increasing your exercise to burn 500 calories a day, this goal can be easily achieved.

How Many Calories Do You Burn in a Day?

If you go through the entire day just sitting, doing no exercise, you still burn calories.  To calculate how much, follow these steps:

1.  Multiply your weight by 10 - this is how many calories your body needs for basic metabolic processes.

2.  Factor in your activity level:

     Sedentary: 20% (Sitting most of the day)
     Lightly Active: 37.5% (Walking here and there; daily chores)
     Moderately Active: 40% (Constantly moving around; daily exercise)
     Very Active: 50% (Heavy exercise for prolonged periods of time, such as training for a sport)

     Take the answer to #1 and take the corresponding percentage - this is how many calories you need to go about a typical day.

3.  Figure the energy used in digestion: #1 + #2 * .1

4.  Add #1, #2, and #3 together.  This is how many calories you burn in a day.

200 Calorie Meals

1 can tuna, 1 tsp mayo, lemon juice on small side salad with 5 saltines
1 boca burger, 1 cup steamed broccoli, baked sweet potato
3/4 cup pasta with light italian dressing, tomatoes, mushrooms, peas, carrots, etc.
1/2 cup brown rice with 1/2 cup beans
1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup peas, 8 large boiled shrimp
2 egg veggie omelet
4 oz baked cod with steamed green beans and yellow squash

300 Calorie Meals

Pretty much any frozen Lean Cuisine Meal with small side salad no dressing
1 packet Kraft Easy Mac (microwaveable) and 1 can tuna
6 inch turkey sub, no cheese, light mayo, lots of veggies
1/3 of an 8 egg fritatta, lots of veggies, no cheese, baked in 8 inch pie dish
1 cup pasta with 1/2 cup tomato sauce
1/2 chicken breast (3 oz), 1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup steamed broccoli, slice melted american cheese
1 cup tomato soup, chicken noodle, or minestrone with 1/2 cup oyster crackers
1 medium baked potato topped with 1 cup steamed broccoli and 1 slice melted cheese
4 oz broiled lean steak, sauteed mushrooms, low cal bread with olive oil and garlic
Broiled Eggplant Parmesan

Low Calorie Snacks

    0 cal Diet Soda
  15 cal Sugar Free Popsicle
  20 cal 1 cup steamed broccoli
  22 cal 1 medium tomato, sliced with salt and pepper
  25 cal 1/2 cup watermelon
  40 cal small side salad no dressing
  44 cal 1 med tomato, halved, broiled, with 1 TBS parmesan
  45 cal 1/2 cup carrots 1 TBS light ranch
  54 cal small baked sweet potato
  55 cal 15 grapes
  57 cal 1 cup apple slices
  60 cal 1/2 English Muffin
  60 cal 1 cup strawberries
  70 cal 1 can Tuna
  80 cal 1 banana
  80 cal string cheese
  91 cal 1oz box Raisins
100 cal Mini bag Popcorn
100 cal Special K granola bar